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The Single Serve Packaging Solution - Pinchpak

The Single Serve
Packaging Solution

The most advanced single-serve packaging. Easy opening with just two fingers!

pinchpak Technology - Single Serve Packaging

The Technology

pinchpak is the world's most advanced single-serve packaging solution. Our Packaging System boasts a patented un-perforated opening design that protects the airtight contents from outside contamination and prevents spoilage and oxidation. It is extremely easy to use and can be opened with just two fingers.

Get to See its Usage

Our packaging is easily opened with one hand and a controlled quantity can be applied directly to the face or hand.


Although the most commonly packaged items are food products, virtually all liquid substances can be packaged with the pinchpak System.



Single servings of Honey, Sauces, and Dressings can now be offered in a cleaner, safer and user-friendly form. HACCP compliant, the pinchpak Packaging System is ideal for catering applications in Hotels or on Airlines where packaging integrity and usability are key to the consumer's experience.


One-handed application and only a single piece of packaging allow for an efficient and clean tidy-up and disposal. The pinchpak system is also ideal for premium, high-value food items such as Manuka Honey.




The ease of use and cleanliness of the pinchpak packaging system is unsurpassed and so is ideal for single applications of cosmetic creams, cleansers and lotions. The durable pinchpak packaging and complete, un-perforated seal prevent contamination and ensure a long shelf-life. The large front art-board of the packaging provides ample scope for designers to apply high-quality,

4-colour designs and branding, while the reverse side can be transparent to highlight the contents or opaque to protect against ultra-violet interference. The slim dimensions allow for efficient packaging and are ideal to slip into a purse or as a sample in a magazine.

pinchpak icon logo



The pinchpak System is not limited to foods, cosmetics, or other personal use items. It is ideal for any single application of virtually any liquid substance including industrial materials such as oils, lubricants or other specialised chemicals. Highly durable and un-perforated seals ensure that the contents are safely contained until needed.


The single-hand opening and application make the pinchpak packaging system perfect for applying measured quantities of lubricants or other substances in tight spots. The slim profile of the packing allows the product to be easily slipped into a shirt pocket or in the side pocket of a bag with needing to carry around a full-size container.

pinchpak packaging solution for Vitamin C
Pinchpak - Top-rated single-serve packaging solution

Innovation at its best!
Top-rated single-serve packaging solution.

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